Sunday, January 23, 2011

Podcast Review - GoNintendo Podcast Ep. 284

Can't wait for it to a bit warmer so I can do some more running without freezing my lungs and ears, and of course listen to podcasts.

A second podcast where they can't avoid talking about the 3DS the whole time. So that's pretty much all that's covered. *shrugs* If you've never heard of this podcast and you're worried about the Pokemon thing being an indicator of the podcast being something you don't want to listen to, they just read about the Pokemon that has the same number (according to one of those pokedexes) and generally make fun of it.

Hear the podcast here.
(right click to save)

Pokemon 284: Masquerain
Monday Download
3DS, 3DS, 3DS!
 - 3DS news from the the week
 - RMC (the owner of GoNintendo) at the event
 - RMC's interview at the event
What did we play: Cursed Mountain, Cave Story (DSiWare version), 999
"Sweet releases"

"Do you use Amazon?"
"Have you seen Scott Pilgrim vs. The World?
What's on Netflix? (not a reader question)

Always humorous, I really enjoy the people that participate in this podcast; all well spoken, and RMC is more knowledgeable about games than most people that report on games so he can keep the rest of the podcast crew in (fact) check. This episode is all about the 3DS, and simply because I like the people, I like to hear what they have to say about the week's news. Questions are good this week, and speaking of Scott Pilgrim, even though I saw it (day one) in theaters, if I see it again soon I'd love to do a piece on it. The music quiz section had one or two pretty good tunes, but it was a pretty average week for music submissions. Of course since it is a quiz, I'm not spoiling what the tunes were.

Some great subjects from a couple of my favorite people that talk about games.

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